Important Notes: A. The Multi-Store additional license is a one time fee and only available for owned license holder. There are NO additional annual fees for Support And Updates Service as they are covered by your original extension. B. The Order multi-store additional license button will be shown if the license status for the extension is active. C. If you purchased your extension from the Marketplace, open a support ticket in your account and request an additional license for an extension. You need one for every extension and for each specific URL where multi store works. D. The extension updater notification is shown only for the main license not for multi-store additional license. Click here to go to our Support System. |
Here are the steps to order the Multi Store additional license:
1. Login to our store here.
2. Click Order History.
3. Click View button.
4. You will see the Order multi-store additional license button next to the license status.
5. Main Store License Key: This field will automatically be filled with your main store license key that was shown in the Account > Invoice page.
Notes for number 6: You will get the following error message if the extension that you choose didn’t match to the registered license key and extension name: |
6. Extension Name: This field will automatically change according to the registered extension that you bought.
7. The URL where you will install: This field will automatically fill with the registered main store URL, you can change it to your sub-store URL.
8. AbanteCart version of the above URL: This field will automatically change to the registered Cart version. You can change it to your current Cart Version.
9. Total Price: The Total Price will be calculated based on the extension name multi-store additional license fee.
Finally add to cart and place the order. The remaining steps are the same as when you buy the extension.