Store Front result after editing default Maintenance Page:
A. This is the custom HTML block placed above the Content Area.
B. This is the default maintenance text.
C. This is the additional text added into the maintenance text.
D. This is the custom contact form that was created.
Step A – Adding a custom block above the Content Area:
1. Click Design.
2. Click Block.
3. Click the add button.
4. Click the HTML button.
5. Custom Block Name: Enter the desired block name. This is used in the admin section only, so you can easily add into page layout.
6. Custom Block Title: Enter the block title that will be shown to customer.
7. Use block wrapper (appearance): Select Automatic.
8. Use block’s frame: Turn this OFF.
9. Custom Block description: Enter the desired block description.
10. Custom Block content: Enter the desired block content.
11. Click the Save button.
12. Click Design.
13. Click Layout.
14. Click Maintenance page.
15. Click this button to add HTML block to this section.
16. Select the HTML block that was created.
17. Click this button to turn ON the section.
18. Click this button to turn ON the block
Step B – Editing the default maintenance text:
1. Search for “We are currently performing”.
2. Click the text_message.
Notes for number 3: Do not remove or replace <h1 style=”text-align: center;”> and </h1> unless you know CSS. |
3. Change the text here.
4. Click Save & Close.
Step C – Editing the default maintenance text:
1. Search for “We are currently performing”.
2. Click the text_message.
Notes for number 3: Do not remove or replace <h1 style=”text-align: center;”> and </h1> unless you know CSS. |
3. Add any desired additional text behind “Please check back soon.”.
4. Click Save & Close.
Step D – Adding the custom contact form:
1. Click Design.
2. Click Block.
3. Click the add button.
4. Choose Custom Forms Block.
5. Custom Block Name: Enter the desired block name. This is used in the admin section only, so you can easily add into page layout.
6. Custom Block Title: Enter block title to be shown to customer.
7. Use block wrapper (appearance): Select Default.
8. Use block’s frame: Turn this OFF.
9. Custom Block description: Enter desired block description.
Notes for field number 10: 1. Default form captcha do not work here, so you must use Google ReCAPCTCHA V3. For more info about how to enable Google ReCAPCTCHA you can refer here. Refer here for how to setup. To obtain the keys, you can get it here. 2. You need to click on the form that you want to use until it is highlighted. |
10. Form: Select the form that you want to use.
11. Click the Save button.
12. Click Design.
13. Click Layout.
14. Select Maintenance Page.
15. Click the + button to add the custom block.
16. Select the custom block that was created earlier.
17. Click this button to turn ON the section.
18. Click this button to turn ON the block.