Use Softaculous – we have detail instructions for various conditions located on our Why2 Central AbanteCart Information Hub
- We like the staging feature as it makes a copy of your existing installation, allows you to do all your updating and testing out of your live site without affecting your live site.
Read how to make a copy of your live site using staging.
- If you are updating WHY2 extensions – submit a support ticket requesting a license key for the staging – we will issue you an increase in your license(s) for 10 days.
Then when you are ready to update the live site:
- Put live site in maintenance via the Admin >Settings> System> Maintenance Mode.
- Make a backup of live site (just in case you need to roll back).
See How to Backup an Installation in our Info Hub for Softaculous.
- Push the changes using the push to live process back to your live site.
- Check your live site *still in maintenance and see if all seems good.
- If all is okay, turn off maintenance.
If you did not install your AbanteCart originally with Softaculous read the How to Import and Installation section in our Info Hub, then proceed with step 1 procedures.
If there are patch files to be uploaded follow the same procedures as outlined in #1 above. The new files will be pushed to the live site.