Order Creation Flow Chart

1. Logged In customer:
a. Customer add products to cart
b. Customer checkout starts from select shipping, select payment and then will arrived at the checkout confirmation page. Order ID with order status “Incomplete” will be created when customer arrived at the checkout confirm page, the order id is saved into session and it will be used to update the order status when they complete the order.
c. If customer logged out, the order id is removed from the session but the products in the cart is saved to database. When they logged in again, they can continue to complete the order, but it will create a new order id and the previous “incomplete” order is not removed.

2. Guest checkout:
a. Guest needs to fill in their info in guest step 1 page, and select the shipping and payment in guest step 2 page, and then will arrived at guest step 3 page. Order ID with order status “Incomplete” will be created when guest arrived at the checkout guest checkout step 3 page, the order id is saved into session and it will be used to update the order status when they complete the order.
b. The products are not saved into the database for guest, so they need to restart the checkout process, and the previous “incomplete” order is not removed.

How to know if it’s guest or registered customer that placed the order?
1. Registered customer:

Admin can click on the customer name in admin order details page.

2. Guest:

Admin cannot click on the customer name in admin order details page.