1. Honest Green use EST as their timezone and their inventory update feed name is warehouse_location_ONHAND_yyyymmddhhmm.csv. e.g. PHI_ONHAND_201807230200.csv.
2. They usually upload the feed one hour after the feed name. e.g. Feed name PHI_ONHAND_201807230200.csv, it is uploaded in 03.00 and not 02.00.
3. They update the feed per two hours and start from 03.00-23.00 EST time.
4. You need to know your timezone difference in order to get the correct per 2 hour inventory update feed. We recommend you to add an extra 10 minute on the cron job time.
e.g. Your server timezone is America/Chicago, you should set the cron job time to 03.10, 05.10, 07.10, 09.10, 11.10, 13.10, 15.10, 17.10, 19.10, 21.10, 23.10. You don’t have to worry about the warehouse_location and the date, the extension will automatically download the correct filename according to warehouse location where you have choose previously at Total Import step 1 page under Select Warehouse, also the extension will use the current date.