Important Notes: This extension is deprecated. |
Honest Green Orders Management Add On helps you to upload orders to Honest Green via their FTP and fetch order confirmation, order tracking responses from Honest Green, update the order status, add the tracking number into the order history detail and send the tracking number to customer via email.
AbanteCart v1.2.0 – v1.2.13 use Honest Green Orders Management Add on v1.2.0
Important Note: You need to have the Total Import Extension installed and turned ON prior using this Add On.
A. You can export the batch order and upload it to Honest Green FTP server via the export order page which was shipped with Total Import.
B. By setting a cron job, this extension will fetch the order confirmation, order tracking responses from Honest Green, update the order status, add the tracking number into the order history detail and send the tracking number to customer via email.